I bake 100% organic sourdough using stone-ground whole grains that are grown in Montana. The bread is a vessel for craft, community, and connection. By highlighting a variety of different grains, each loaf connects the eater to a world beyond the uniform white bread that fills grocery store shelves. Warhorse, Red Fife, Kamut, Spelt, Emmer — these are all types of wheat that we’ve largely lost touch with in our industrialized food system. The words are foreign on our tongue.
My hope is that this bread starts to connect us all a little more to a variety of grains, to a more resilient local food economy, and to each other. The word companion comes from the latin com- ‘together with’+ panis ‘bread.’ Let us break more bread together.
It's a small operation out of my home and there's a lot of heart I put into what I bake, plus a healthy dose of rebellion.
Bozeman, MT